Spirituality has always been more than just mediumship. However, very rarely has my work ventured beyond the services of building a bridge for others to reach their loved ones on the Other Side. Today, that is changing.
COVID-19 in the ICU: They Are Not Alone
When all of humanity faces a crisis, we are truly not alone. Legions of spirit helpers are currently surrounding the globe, all with different assignments. Some of them are sending energy to help calm people’s nerves, others are helping doctors to find a vaccine, and then there are those others who are helping those who unfortunately succumb and pass.
The Spiritual Roots of Pandemic
This is a long post, but if you’re self-quarantining, then –hey – you’ve got the time.
When we attempt to gain glimpse of the tributaries of consciousness feeding the global consciousness ocean of humanity, where have we been going these last few years and decades? In conscious creation philosophy, the Corona Virus is an effect based on the tipping point of such frequency density.
Great Expectations
When we examine our beliefs about Life, how many of our ideas are really our own, or something we have accepted willy-nilly because that’s what we were told? And of those that are our own, are they really the truth ABOUT reality, but not really OF reality?
What we are dealing with when we bring all of these narratives and beliefs together is nothing more than a set of expectations regarding our relationship to our experiences. Are we measuring up or are we falling short?
But here’s the thing about expectations: they naturally LIMIT our experience.
It's Okay Not to Have All the Answers ...
What do we do when we feel totally lost? Sometimes a sense of security, thus confidence, is dependent upon knowing certain variables, so how do we move forward when it seems the answers are always out of reach? Do you find that you are often battling against yourself, or worse beating yourself up because you don’t know where to go, what to do, who to talk to? This is especially true when you are considering your life as it exists within the grand scheme of things.
Gaining Confidence in the New Year
Tips for a Happier Holiday Season
The Astral Plain and Why Mediumship is the "Extra-Mile" for the Spirit World
I’ve read and been told by many over the years that during the night we leave our bodies and astral travel. According to some, during these journeys we meet and interact with our loved ones on the Other Side, and that this is a very natural thing – that all of us do it. So what does this mean in relation to mediumship? It’s actually pretty HUGE.
Mediumship - Deeply More Than a Message
What If My Loved One in Spirit has Reincarnated?
It’s a question I get asked at every mediumship demonstration. “What if my loved one is no longer in Heaven, but they have reincarnated back on earth?” When we review Time from a linear perspective, this question is a logical concern. We perceive reality moment-by-moment, where the “present” disappears into a perceived “past” and the “future” has not yet opened up to become an experienced “Now” moment.
However, we have been told by those in spirit – and which subsequently is now being confirmed by theoretical physics – Time does not flow in the way we think.