The science of mediumship has been studied for over 150 years. It is considered a natural function of consciousness that through training, practice, effort, and understanding can help us reunite with those who have passed into the world of spirit and offer us the truth that we do survive the physical body at death.
Come experience what millions from around the world believe is incredibly healing and inspiring when it comes to the loss of our loved ones and the reality of our own mortality.
At this amazing event, Jeffrey Marks will be your guide as he demonstrates the continuity of life and how mediumship bridges the gap between this world and the next. Listen and be inspired as those on the Other Side bring through evidence of their survival with careful personal descriptions, touching life memories, recollection of important dates and other personal items. What's more, they show that the bonds of love never die, as they bring through glimpses of what they've seen with friends and family still in the physical body since they've passed.
These events typically sell out! Pre-registration is required to reserve your seat.