Jeffrey Marks is an avid explorer of consciousness and the eternal spirit. He has been certified and continues to develop evidential mediumship in the exploration of survival after death.


His 30+ years of metaphysical studies, combined with more than two decades of trying to decode, decrypt, and understand the nature of spirituality and the psyche has led to a mind filled with compassion, perception, and an ability to foster the fire of multi-dimensional empowerment within you.


If you’ve been enjoying Jeffrey’s YouTube Channel, his metaphysical philosophy is a culmination of decades in personal meditation, spiritual exploration, as well as studying the works of many philosophers, free-thinkers, and other spiritual pioneers and daring out-of-the-box scientists. His favorites include Alan Watts, Neville Goddard, Ernest Holmes, Russell Targ, Dean Radin, Gary Schwartz, FWH Myers and the early scientific works of the Society for Psychical Research, Deepak Chopra, and Jane Roberts’ “Seth” material, just to name a few (his personal library is very extensive).


Jeffrey's books are available through Amazon.


Jeffrey honors the natural heritage that is within the Soul and uses this awareness as he works to unfold and understand the eternal nature of Self, as well as bridge the gap between this world and the next — relaying messages of love, peace, healing, and inspiration from the spirit side of life. 


“Why is it so noble and respectable to find whence man came, and so suspicious and dishonorable to ask and ascertain whither he goes?”

- Dr. James Hyslop
Professor of logic and ethics,
Psychologist & Psychical Researcher


Our loved ones on the Other Side wish us to know they have not just survived, but are also thriving, and that they still love us and watch over us. Jeffrey has been praised for his authentic and humble manner when dealing with afterlife communication (and clients too); and his down-to-earth and left-brained approach provide a comfortable and accessible perspective for his clients and audience. Each sitting provides an opportunity for both he and his clients to be more Spiritual, to Explore, and to become more Educated.

Jeffrey has attended mediumship training at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in the United Kingdom, as well as courses with both James Van Praagh and Lisa Williams.

Through his research, Jeffrey has shown that we, as a form of consciousness, exist within a world of Time and Space, yet also beyond it. Scientific studies within the last century have revealed that we have the ability to sense beyond what our five senses have been telling us. Telepathy, clairvoyance, distant mental influence, and mediumship have become verifiable phenomenon through objective research being performed by credible and pioneering scientists – those men and women brave enough to chart such controversial waters.


As these abilities become more accepted by the mainstream, and fact is sifted from fiction (although there will always be cheats and frauds in any organized occupation), the questions will then come as to how we can turn these traits into beneficial means for the advancement of not only the individual, but of the society en masse. These are natural abilities, but we have never been allowed to wholly accept them, much less determine their full effect and potentials.