Thanksgiving is a time to honor our past and give thanks for the present. Reconnecting spiritually with those who have gone before us can be a healing, grounding experience, helping us appreciate the love that endures even after loss.
What's The Motivation Behind Your Spiritual Journey?
The Changing Season
As we transition from the vibrant energy of summer to the introspective calm of autumn, many people notice a shift in their sensitivity and awareness abilities. This change is not just a physical one but also a profound energetic transformation that can enhance our intuition and connection with our inner selves.
You Are the Creator
How Duality + Attention = Reality
The Temple of Your Physical Body
Who YOU ARE is literally the universe. Not symbolically or metaphorically, but IN ACTUALITY. The galaxies, environments, and all that you experience is the real expression of your SPIRIT. However, because of your incredible vastness, how could you focus, drill down into a specific expression of such grandeur, observe it, make judgments, and CHANGE things in order to have a different experience?
By creating something within your own Self that can be used as an aperture, a lens, in which to create an illusion of separateness in order for such viewing.
Welcome to your body.
What are YOU really SEARCHING FOR?
Once you have a clear understanding of the decision making model behind ALL behaviors, you will understand WHY humanity does what it does … and consequently, what you are searching for within your own Self. There is really only one drive behind every action, whether it be LOVE, HATE, PEACE or WAR. Once you know what it is, it will bring clarity for all that you do.
The Universe is Testing You? - NO. Here's Why.
In manifestation or Law of Attraction circles, you often hear about how — when things are not materializing right away or appearing the way you had visualized — that the universe is “testing” you … to sculpt you into coming more into “alignment” with your desires. However, this doesn’t work when the Universe doesn’t have a separate mind from your own.
Sculpting Self-Love: Crafting the Masterpiece of You
New Years Resolution: Better Service to YOUR SPIRIT
When I started my Spiritual Exploration business, it was never meant to be strictly about my services as a medium. No, it was about the nature of exploring one’s spirit altogether – which encompasses far more than the afterlife and reaching out to bring through communications from departed loved ones.