This is a long post, but if you’re self-quarantining, then –hey – you’ve got the time.
A lot of spiritual traditions posit that physical reality is an expression of an inner one. That is, the combination of thoughts, feelings and expectations tumbled around within one’s consciousness (psyche) reaches a frequency pitch which then produces outer physical effects. Put simply, consciousness creates. It has been referred to by different labels, such as “Conscious Creation” and “Law of Attraction.” Research into quantum mechanics tells us “The observer affects reality.” Mostly, we attempt to understand these philosophies within a personal context – how does this apply to ME. In the age of Corona Virus, it’s equally important to examine it from the context of US.
If consciousness is the basis of creation, then logic states a worldwide pandemic is suggestive of the health and attitudes of people pooled together on a global scale. We are an Ocean of Consciousness, yet all oceans are fed by individual rivers, streams, and other tributaries. We need to better understand the field frequencies we have been creating individually and then collectively which has finally tipped to produce a tiny of strand of RNA/DNA which then begins to make millions sick and thousands die.
We can start from a basic platform: What is sickness and death? Answer: It is the antithesis of Life.
But then we must ask: What is Life? What are the conditions which make Life flourish?
In all of this, we can only make assertions based on current states of understanding, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying to learn more about the nature of existence. Indeed, you could say that is one of Life’s main objectives – to learn more about the nature of Life Itself! In order to do this, reflective contrasts come into play, including viruses. Is this not part of our spiritual exploration?
So let us ask: What are conditions that make Life flourish?
On a physical level, we must have clean air and water. Without clean air and water, what happens – sickness.
Again, on a physical level, we must have decent hygiene. If not, what happens? You guessed it.
If the physical environment is out-of-whack, then it is going to affect us. The deeper it goes out of balance, and the more we internalize/recognize/focus upon that disruption, we give it more frequency-flow to continue in that direction.
On a global scale, climate change is now very much within our collective awareness. Whether you view it as natural planetary rhythm or man-made doesn’t matter in this discussion, all that matters is that there is now widespread belief that it is happening. I remember when it was first making mainstream reporting back in the ‘80s. A lot of people dismissed it. As time went on, it got perceived as a “left-wing conspiracy hoax.” Now it is confirmed reality, with only the “cause” as being the main point of contention. Inner conscious thought about climate change (natural or man-made) has deepened its tributary flow into the collective ocean… Not only do we consciously acknowledge and believe in some form of climate change, we internalize the evidence through worsening hurricanes, tornadoes, and deadly wildfires. That creates more energetic density, frequency-speaking.
Again, let’s return to asking the question: For Life to flourish, what interior thoughts and feelings would create a life-affirming inner frequency which can then get exteriorized – particularly on a global scale?
How about “happiness,” “equality,” an inner sense of “security, validity, a being of worth”? In the normal flow of life, all this gets challenged, pulled and prodded every moment of everyday, it’s only when things reach a certain density of frequency do they start to produce a physical expression.
Have we been Life affirming lately, in the global sense, or not?
No way.
As of late, we have also been consciously acknowledging a huge wealth gap between classes of people throughout the world. Yes, there has always been a realization of have’s and have-not’s, but what has been the density of that awareness in combination within the collective psyche around the world? Take a look at many American cities and you’ll have the answer. They are no longer landscapes of businesses, buildings and apartments, but tent cities with huge homeless populations interspersed throughout.
The sense of personal validity has also been challenged on a much deeper level as a result of the digital age. At one point, “success” and “valid Self” was only tied to one’s bank account, but these days it is also intimately connected to Instagram Followers, Facebook Friends, and Viral downloads (on a daily basis, I might add). Apply this precarious sense of self-worth on a global collective scale… Another tributary to the ocean of consciousness.
What else has risen to a sort of fever-pitch which could also be perceived as a negation to those attributes of a flourishing Life?
How about authoritarian regimes in governments? Political strife is another one of those things that has been with humanity since societal inception, but again we must look at the density of frequency and what it’s produced on a global scale in our modern times. I know I am not the only one who has noticed the rise of more right-wing propaganda bordering on fascism throughout the world; where leaders wish to be more of a strong-arm bully and personally more selfish -- which then creates less affirmation for a flourishing Life for All (remember, all things are connected and must be considered within that larger context).
Additional societal strains are everywhere, as it is well known we are living with unprecedented levels of racism and xenophobia. For years, it was mainly in relationship to the Middle East, but it started on a greater trend as Isis came in and created a bloodbath, resulting in a tidal wave of refugees looking for safety, thus moving out into the greater world, cementing more xenophobia from that demon we call “fear of strangers.” But such fear and loathing for fellow humans didn’t stop there -- as conscious awareness (thus focus) produced the unbelievable reaction of caging and separating families at the U.S. southern border. I say this not as a way of pointing fingers or trying to lay blame to any particular political point-of-view, I point it out as a way of demonstrating how inner vibrational feelings once coalesced to a certain density contributes to collective consciousness and physical reality. A collective deepening giving rise to non-Life affirming frequency – which is what xenophobia and racism does – again is going to feed into the pool of collective consciousness and add to its already darkening and disease producing waters.
So let’s not shy away from the political landscape either (as much as we’d like to). Again, political polarization is something that has been with us forever, but we have never seen it rise to the frequency-density it has today. Yes, Trump has definitely been a polarizing figure, not only in the U.S., but also around the world. You either love him or loathe him, and that’s a pretty intense frequency either way – there doesn’t appear to be much middle-ground. Politics never used to be like this. Trump, like all things physical, is a manifestation of deeper things going on in the collective consciousness. This is another tributary that feeds the collective ocean.
When you bring them all together, all these forces engaging our collective consciousness at such intense levels: Belief in climate change threatening our sense of Life … Xenophobia and racism at levels not seen in decades … Wealth inequality … Market forces (with or without additional tariffs challenging entire industries) … Authoritarian handling of government bodies … Sense of self-worth through peer pressure (bank account, social media, gender identity, etc.) … BAM.
For years, these things oftentimes alternated in terms of primacy within focused awareness; very rarely do they become so hypervigilant simultaneously and collectively. That kind of collective density was bound to create a physical affect, hence the Corona Virus. If we believe in conscious creation, then COVID-19 is a natural outgrowth of a collective consciousness already sickened and dying within itself. I believe in this post, I have laid out some of the reasons why.
Tibetan medicine says that viral disease invasion is due to human unethical and irresponsible behavior that lacks respect for nature, that destroys nature and the environment. In other words, disease is a manifestation from what is counterproductive to Life, and it can only come from our collective consciousness.
When we look at previous pandemics with this type of philosophy in mind, does it bear out?
Actually, yes.
In looking at the Great Mortality (Black Death) beginning in 1347, within the context of consciousness at that time, there were also major environmental and societal factors which came to a head. Crops had been failing for years due to extensive rainfall – so there was fear of continual starvation and lack of Life support environmentally; the feudal system created a huge wealth gap amongst the population – threatening the sense of worth and personal self-value through the economic filter; xenophobia was everywhere as governments were still very much into proving their power and might – taking lands and upending livelihoods and stripping family-identity-culture; spiritual self-worth was determined by a heavy-handed religious doctrine which declared everyone a rampant sinner and constantly under influence from demonic forces… All these consciously acknowledged factors pooled collectively. Is it any wonder the Black Death appeared and horribly disfigured those who fell ill with it? The inner psyche of the late 1300’s was ill from such a collective perception and the Black Death was its physical manifestation.
With our current state of self-quarantine, I challenge you to take this downtime and do some research surrounding environmental and sociological factors 3 to 5 years prior to a major health pandemic from the past (Spanish flu, anyone? At the time of World War I). I am willing to bet you would find a sense of hypervigilance to forces that were running rampant simultaneously that were Life denying, just before or right at the start of the epidemic. Again, many of the forces have always been with us, but they usually alternate within the collective consciousness in terms of primacy. I posit that it is when they all start to take precedence all at once that a pandemic disease is born; it is a mirror to show us that our collective psyches need examining .
So what is the solution?
Many tributaries of consciousness feed this toxic ocean. We must clean them up. Yes, we can and probably will only adjust one element which may remove the pandemic strain as a single effect, but then that only makes us one tributary away from again experiencing this type of physical reality. We must look at Life in all its grandness.
As we are in a state of evolution, we will never ever be perfect, there will always be some Darkness running within the current of our Light. But through our continued work of trying to understand and become more of what Life (Light) is, and bring our focus and sense of Self in alignment with that force and its attributes, the more we can keep those darker aspects at a minimum – the more healthy we will be within our consciousness, thus our outer reality. We will always have issues; it is part of growing and evolving. We must not let such issues reach a certain frequency-density level, lest we wish to create a “simple” RNA/DNA sequence that then mirrors such inner inner-illness and starts doing its nasty work.
I titled this “The Spiritual Roots of Pandemic” because all of us are Spirit, we are Life. Life is Spirit. Spirit is Life. And our Spirits create the type of Life we are living. It has now become clear, our Spirits have become deathly ill.
So during self-quarantine, please take some time to align with the Great Spirit. Address what is productive to Life flourishing and let that frequency fill you up. Start to live it. Start to move in its direction… Because up to now, we have kept our focus firmly on its opposite. The Corona Virus, like all pandemics, will pass. But let’s do what we can to keep another from forming in our lives. If consciousness creates, then let’s be aware of what we are doing and make changes to our consciousness where needed.