Stop the Voice in Your Mind

In last month’s blog, I intimated that language can have a detrimental effect on our development.


Why?  Because language, technically, isn’t the “natural” foundation of Life.  Language was developed later, as a way of bringing (or trying to bring) expression from one to another.  Language was an attempt to codify the interpretation of Life’s energies and bring about some kind of understanding/agreement between two participants “talking.”  It is purely symbolical and not a true interaction with the nature of reality itself.  Yet this is primarily how we work with our relationship to the world – through the voice inside our minds. 


As we know, language creates a box and limits things.  In other words, symbols are never the “thing” itself.  “Hamburger” may be listed on the menu, but you shouldn’t eat the menu!  Language actually “separates” via its narrow definitions of what the energy of Life is; an energy that goes beyond language and is multidimensional. 


What is Life, if not the experience of FEELING and MOVING THROUGH the sensations of energy?  When we think about living Life, we cannot separate out the fact that we are living it from a feeling standpoint versus a language one.  Is Life “good” or “bad” in terms of our experience of it?  Such question regards Life as an experience of feeling.  That is, Life is not an intellectual exercise, per se, it is one that is the moving through and expression of feeling; the aforementioned sensations.  These feelings don’t necessarily have to be emotional; rather, it is the feeling of Life’s energy itself – the boundless power, electricity, HUM of existence.  This was where humanity (and all other Life) starts from.  It is not bound or confined by the terms of any language; it surpasses them.  To be in accord with Nature is to be in alignment with its energies.  As soon as we assign language, we begin to “carve it up” and risk the very foundation of Life’s boundless eternal frequencies falling by the wayside in preference to a standardized cultural limiting definition. 


Again, language came later.  One could argue that it was the invention of language that began to separate us from Nature itself.  We turned our awareness from the sensation and naturalness of Life’s energies into a mental framework defined by language.  In this, we began to distort nature as if looking at it through the stained-glass window of what language had created.  Originally, the sensations of Life were the inspiration for language’s creation, yet it got flipped – languages began to assign the notions and sensations of Life.  We then began to TALK Life, versus actually LIVING through its energy. 

Now our whole sense of identity can be built and/or destroyed by this evolutionary construct that was not there originally in terms of experiencing the energetic feeling-fullness of creation.  That little voice in our head… The words that either encourage us or attempt to completely destroy us.  We play tapes that set us in motion, whether the words (thoughts) in and of themselves are accurate or not.


This was not how things originally worked. 


Before language, we lived in harmony with and through the energy of Life.  We rode its waves, like a surfer on the ocean.  We, like the animal kingdom around us, were not separated or isolated from Nature and we could feel our oneness within it.  It is when we started to separate ourselves from it – with language being only one of a series of separating maneuvers – that we began moving away (or rather simply ignoring) the core foundation of Life; the actual depth of interaction with the energy/force itself, unbounded.


So, we could hypothesize that prior to language, we didn’t have that “nagging voice” in our heads, knocking us down or building us up, because such language didn’t exist.  We worked in harmony with the flow of Life’s energy itself; we were “blended” in its vitality, as its vitality was also within us – whole and unbroken.  Since no language was present, we could experience Life’s force in a more natural fashion; it could “speak to us” in greater ways beyond the limits of language.  Since we are a part of it and it a part of us, understanding was deeply understood within the Self.  It was only in the arrival of others we were not familiar with – thus their experience being unfamiliar to us – did we have to invent some way to “communicate” in order to create bridges to fulfilling interactions. 


As to that little voice within – especially the critic – note that it is not a “natural” device.  It is an evolutionary construct that literally pulls you out of Life’s energy.  It is doing its best to interpret (and usually predict) Life, but it is not basing it off of the frequencies of the Now moment itself, it is doing it off of cherry-picked memories and interpretations of those memories, with those interpretations being further carved up by the nature of language itself, which the voice uses.  The real experience and interaction with Life never had a vocal language… A series of words… A mass string of symbols… A distilling that separated one from the energy itself in order to provide some kind of “common ground” definition for interaction.  No.  We were wrapped up with it and understood its meanings through an inner landscape that defied language.  It was grandeur, and even more informative.  SO … shut the little voice up in your head by reminding yourself, it is not “natural.”  It is “evolutionary.”  To be holistic and “natural” with the foundation of Life, you must discard language, at least with regard to yourself and your inner experience of day-to-day Life.  Language is meant for communication with another person, but it is not necessarily needed for communication within one’s self while dealing directly with the flow and energy of Life.


How much information, inspiration, details of our existence have we missed by only glancing meagerly at the energy and jumping immediately to our language banks to assign definition?  We touch it for a minor second, then immediately attach a meaning as defined by a chosen word; essentially hacking the fullness of the energy and what other information it may contain.  In this sense, we are stunting the expanded wholeness of Life’s energy.  LIFE IS AN ENERGY, IT IS NOT A LANGUAGE.  Yet so often, we think in words, rather than in the nature of energy itself.  Life is an energy, a feeling, movement, an action – a symbolical verb when it comes to the nature of language, that isn’t attached to any noun (that is only a mental conception).    


It is not natural to allow the voice inside your head supremacy; it was never there to begin with when Life began.  Even a newborn baby must learn the language of the culture it is born into; yet we would never say it is “not alive” in childhood years, simply because it cannot speak the language immediately upon exiting the womb.  In fact, you can see that newborn babies are enjoying the fullness of Life’s richness … Feeling it in ways adults are not.  One could surmise that this could be due to the very lack of having a language of symbols to carve it up and “prune” the extremities of its wisdom.


To truly experience the richness of Life, we must do our best to let the “little voice” in our head go; its language (the literal use of words) separates our experience, rather than enhancing it.  It clearly has caused tremendous damage to many people – its purpose and function gone awry.  If we are to LIVE LIFE, we must live it in a way that allows us the fullness of interaction with its energies.  Language is symbolic only; it assigns meaning without being the thing itself.  It pulls away from entanglement of the energy.  It pulls us away from truly FEELING the connection that is happening.  In so doing, it is robbing us of our true blend with Nature.


Note that “feeling” doesn’t necessarily mean being swept away by one’s emotions.  Emotions are a set of feelings; however feeling the energy frequency of Life doesn’t have to be an emotional one, in the sense of assigning any particular meaning we would ascribe to words.  It is simply feeling the frequency, the tone, and riding along with it; allowing it to speak to you in its own unique way without words.  We do not have to be “in reaction” to – which definitely generates an emotional response – but rather, just being present with the feeling of Life’s energy itself, in the Now moment, and what it is expressing within through one’s submersion through the act of Awareness.


Consider:  There are so many different languages across the globe.  If language was a natural foundation of Life, wouldn’t there be only one which we could all experience and understand?  Indeed, there is – it is the energy of Life itself; not the mixed symbology of words and sounds across cultures.  Language invites separation and division, even though its original creation may have intended to be something different.  Language has become its own type of addiction; it pulls us away from living Life naturally.  It attempts to describe Life, without being Life itself.  We have truly forgotten this, and in this forgetfulness, we stumble through Life, expecting someone (or some “thing” – God, guardian angel, etc.) to TELL US (verbally) what to do.  Since Life doesn’t “naturally” speak in language, is it any wonder we don’t hear a single word of response?  We must go where Life IS … the energy and frequency itself.  THE TRUE VOICE OF LIFE.