Spirituality: More Than Mediumship

Connecting with the spirit world has been a great foundation for me on where to start when it came to exploring spirituality, but it’s only one aspect of a multidimensional facet of the soul.  Working with those in spirit has given me a sense of trust in that the direction I was going was truly rooted in ways of the spirit, versus simply taking what somebody had said and thinking “Well, it sounds reasonable.”  It has helped me see some of the deepest aspects of my being and really home in to discovering the nature of what I am in addition to who I am. 


This development began at 15 years of age, with various events and incidents signaling its rise going as far back to when I was a toddler.   Professional development and working with the public started early in the year 2000 and leading to the present moment – reaching 20 years this August.  Unfoldment is never ending.  We are always growing, evolving, and expanding. 


“Expansion” also means moving beyond where one had previously been.  Significant credit for my evolution goes to my team of spirit guides, as they step in quite forcefully when they think it’s time for a directional change based on where my understanding and growth has tracked.  A year ago, they began bombarding my meditations with the message that it was time to shift my work from connecting others to the spirits of their loved ones on the Other Side to re-connecting people with the nature of their own spirits in themselves.  

In typical fashion, I rebelled (I have never been an easy pupil – God bless ‘em).  But, per usual, they had their reasons.  My journey in understanding mediumship has never been strictly about the relationship between here and the Other Side and how to open the doors wider for communication, it has also been about gaining better understanding about who we are as spirits within our own lives – whether inside a physical body or outside one.  Apparently, my guides felt I had reached a certain level of understanding and were insisting that I start talking about all this.  Truth be told, my research on the nature of one’s inner spirit has been longer and more detailed than my understanding of the mechanics of mediumship, a fact which my guides reminded me and declared made it imperative that I get off my butt.  They said, “Isn’t your website called ‘Spiritual EXPLORATION’?  Then why aren’t you putting a spotlight on that ‘exploration’ part and start SHARING it?”  Because like all things, change is scary… 

Nevertheless, for the last year, they have been pushing and throwing things in my path to get me moving.  They kept insisting, “Because it will help people not only in their earthly lives, but it will also help them be prepared for when they come over here.  Too many people are having a hard time when they arrive on the Other Side because it’s not what they were taught in their churches and other places of worship.  Then they feel regret and so much remorse, because they feel they didn’t prepare their spirits enough and really do what was meant of them while in physical incarnation.  They feel they missed out on what they could have had on earth and subsequently not ready for what is waiting in the nature of the afterlife realms.  Equally important, it would help those spirit caretakers on the Other Side whose task it is to teach newcomers into the ways of the afterlife if some assistance could be given from your world.  You are suited for this and we are tasking you with it.”

Like I said, I resisted.  At first, it was a plea from them to drop doing mediumship readings altogether and go straight to talking on this subject.  They made a good argument: “There are a lot of mediums in the world who can connect people with loved ones in spirit.  There are not a lot of people who can talk about the multidimensional nature of the soul, its earthly journey, and how it prepares for the future life – and that is incredibly needed right now” – because, quite honestly, that has been the focus of my spiritual studies since before I took up mediumship (whereas I don’t believe that has been the same path that many other mediums I’ve encountered have taken).  But, I told my guides that I would not give up mediumship; it was too important.  In typical fashion, they would insist… I would argue…   

This time, however, they relented to my insistence instead of me giving in to them.  They have agreed that my service as a medium is valuable and are letting me continue to give readings and conduct sessions.  (Truth be told, it is always our personal choice; they just have very persuasive means to move me in the direction they know I am supposed to go, but to which my own ego is so stubborn to admit.)   

But with the arrival of the coronavirus in March and its subsequent aftermath, the nature of their request has finally been fanned to a flame.  It is clear, most people really aren’t aware of the spirit they harbor, what it means for the life they are living, and what happens once the mortal shell has been discarded.  By no means do I have all the answers, but there’s enough research to know that it isn’t what most of society thinks and is engaging in – otherwise, we would not see the behaviors and the outcomes we are experiencing.  I’ve been journaling the inner journey equally as long as I have been giving readings.  There are fruits here finally ready to be plucked…   

When my guides moved me into mediumship at the turn of the millennium, I cried and resisted saying “I can’t do that!  I might be able to talk to you, but I cannot talk to other people’s dead relatives!”  At the time, I really didn’t think I had the ability (Hint:  Our guides oftentimes know us better than we do ourselves).  20 years after declaring I “couldn’t do it,” I was insisting that I can’t stop doing it!  But when they said start talking about people’s own spirits, it wasn’t because I didn’t think I understood the subject matter, I just wasn’t ready to upset the cart and move out of the type of “spirit zone” I had been engaged in for two decades.


Like so many things the coronavirus has done to change our lives, it has changed mine to finally say “This subject is too important to keep quiet.”  It’s time to really look at that “exploration” aspect of my Spiritual Exploration website.  By no means am I quitting my work as a medium – I will always be available to help build a bridge to the Other Side – but it is equally important now (if not more) to start observing and nurturing our own personal spirits.  We have a spark of the Divine within us.  It’s obvious we have clearly ignored it.  It’s high time we focus on it, dust it off, and attempt to understand what it means to our lives.  The all-important question to consider is:  If we do have a Divine spark, are we not endowed with a certain responsibility to it?  Yes.  Emphatically, yes.

The Bible says, “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within.”  It seems no one in today’s world has really knocked on the gate.  Heck, a year ago my guides were like, “You’ve listened to the words coming from the gate for decades… We have opened the doors and want you to walk in,” to which I resisted. 

I’ve stopped doing that.  Those in spirit want us all to stop doing that.  That place is within us.  Its mysteries are only mysteries because we have refused to plumb the depths.  At the very least, we have to walk through the gate and stand a few feet inside the courtyard… That is all they are asking.  It is well known we will never have all the answers while in the physical body – earthly existence is only one stage of many – yet we have a divine design with a dynamic nature that has been ignored at the risk of severe peril.  We are now witnessing the effects from that lack of acknowledgement.  So with my hand firmly in the hands of those on the Other Side, I am expanding what I do from not just talking about your loved ones in spirit, but also talking about your own spirit, in and of Itself.  We are all connected.  We have a responsibility to that interconnection and the Divine source within. 

Starting this month and in the coming months, you will now find online presentations/discussions designed to move into this all-important area.  From discussing why we incarnate, to the nature of our Oversoul, to what those in spirit are telling us about the nature of spiritual evolution while on earth and beyond, I will be presenting more and more about these subjects for the very first time.  Please note, none of it is fluff.  I’m not one for “surface” level thinking and discussion – I prefer to go deep.  So know that in sharing these topics, there will most likely be concepts or ideas that are not typically touched on in the usual metaphysical circles.  It is important to try and understand as much as we can, as it can and will help us in our lives – not just in the present, but in our eternal future.  I hope you will join me.  Let’s really engage in some true Spiritual Exploration.