When I started my Spiritual Exploration business, it was never meant to be strictly about my services as a medium. No, it was about the nature of exploring one’s spirit altogether – which encompasses far more than the afterlife and reaching out to bring through communications from departed loved ones.
Letting Go vs. Openness
Perspective is everything, especially when working with our own spirituality. We are driven to unfold, blossom, and become the best soul we can be – so this requires deep introspection, which inevitably forces us to examine much about how we are perceiving ourselves in relation to reality and in which the way language structures our thoughts.
AWARENESS: The Core of Your Self & Process
Is a tree made of wood, or is a tree wood? It’s obvious: the tree is wood.
Now: Do you have awareness, or are you awareness (in and of itself)?
What is life if not awareness? If your awareness suddenly ceased, you would not be alive. You couldn’t interact with anything, including your own sense of Self, for awareness must exist for either to occur.
So, if you are awareness – if that is the base of existence – how much can you become aware of?
Spirituality: It's Not Meant to be Easy
Spirituality – and all the corollaries that go along with it – requires more than just lip service, it demands contemplation. At its core, the concepts of love, compassion, harmony, oneness (as well as others) are more than just words and what they are trying to describe; rather, they are states of being. Spirituality means “of the spirit,” yet when we see what is happening throughout the world (and the United States in particular), it is clear that regardless of having a church, mosque, or other kind of spiritual temple on every street corner, spirituality has been mostly ignored or relegated to “when it’s convenient.”
Spirituality: More Than Mediumship
Meditation - Learning to Let Go for Greater Insights
Many people have problems in achieving the stillness that meditation can bring and thus its splendid results, both mentally and physiologically (those effects have been medically documented). Meditation, instead, turns into a chore, and never is it used for “communicating with spirits.” Yet it is precisely because of its relaxing, mind-cleansing stature that makes such communication much more available and likely to occur.
The big question is: how do you by-pass all your own mental chatter?