In manifestation or Law of Attraction circles, you often hear about how — when things are not materializing right away or appearing the way you had visualized — that the universe is “testing” you … to sculpt you into coming more into “alignment” with your desires. However, this doesn’t work when the Universe doesn’t have a separate mind from your own.
Sculpting Self-Love: Crafting the Masterpiece of You
New Years Resolution: Better Service to YOUR SPIRIT
When I started my Spiritual Exploration business, it was never meant to be strictly about my services as a medium. No, it was about the nature of exploring one’s spirit altogether – which encompasses far more than the afterlife and reaching out to bring through communications from departed loved ones.
Tips for a Happier Holiday Season
A Month of Thanksgiving
Being in the Flow
Life Isn't About Solving Problems as "Things"
We look at problems in and of themselves as separate “things” because our language has structured our consciousness to place the emphasis on the Subject-Noun aspect of language, for we have told ourselves “action” and thus “effect” cannot happen without a “thing” to initiate it. Yet, the experience of Life is not a thing; having an “experience” is a verb.
You are Boundless & Timeless: What Does That Mean?
Letting Go vs. Openness
Perspective is everything, especially when working with our own spirituality. We are driven to unfold, blossom, and become the best soul we can be – so this requires deep introspection, which inevitably forces us to examine much about how we are perceiving ourselves in relation to reality and in which the way language structures our thoughts.