This month I am experimenting with a video blog, as I really think the combination of visuals to words is incredibly powerful. What’s more, I also really believe this message is VITAL when it comes to our lives in the world.
Creativity and Its Relationship to Life
When considering the nature of the world, we must accept that not everything can be black or white, right or wrong. Why? Because such absolutes blunt creativity. What inspires creative action is precisely because something isn’t known, what I prefer to call “the area of unfoldment.” Creativity is precipitated by lack or a sense of a “blind spot” – whether that blind spot be physical or mental – requiring creative action to fulfill the gap.
Healing the Fractured Self in a Rat Race World
AWARENESS: The Core of Your Self & Process
Is a tree made of wood, or is a tree wood? It’s obvious: the tree is wood.
Now: Do you have awareness, or are you awareness (in and of itself)?
What is life if not awareness? If your awareness suddenly ceased, you would not be alive. You couldn’t interact with anything, including your own sense of Self, for awareness must exist for either to occur.
So, if you are awareness – if that is the base of existence – how much can you become aware of?
You are a Process, Not a Thing
SPOTLIGHT: Source of the New Dark Ages
I had a completely different topic in mind for this month’s blog, until again another mass shooting happened in America; until witnessing another act of racial discrimination with an innocent Hispanic doing his job; until seeing more people on social media driving a wedge between themselves and their fellow citizens over politics; until seeing more atrocities in Ukraine being committed under the ruling of a madman who should never been allowed near the levers of power.
The Ultimate Spiritual Experience
The Importance of Relationship to Life's Unknowns
In the Western world, so many ask: “What should I do? What is my path?” They ask this because they are haunted – like all of us – with that lurking sense of indeterminism. This reality of the unknown, the uncertainty, the “no answers,” leaves us feeling anxious, vulnerable, and at odds with the Universe. Naturally, if someone could tell us what we are supposed to do, that feeling will go away and we will finally have peace. All kinds of religions have tried this, and in my opinion, all of them have failed. Where’s the promised peace? They missed the point entirely.
Stop the Voice in Your Mind
The Nature of Spiritual Learning and Development
When we can learn to love ourselves during the act of development, so, too, we can learn to bring compassion to others – as they are also in various stages of growth. Other people, like you, are spotted with tender new psychological and spiritual tissue. We do not need to know what areas they are working on, so long as love and compassion are given; it is like water and sunshine over the entire soil of their being. It honors the passage of their life, no matter what stage they are in.